Get Rid of Payday, Credit Card Debt, and much more once and for all!
  • No More lenders taking money out of your account
  • Save thousands of dollars
  • No obligation, cancel anytime
By clicking “Submit”, you agree that the phone number and email address you are providing may be used to contact you by Combine My Balances (including auto-dialed/auto-selected and prerecorded calls, as well as text/SMS messages). Msg. and data rates apply. Msg frequency varies; max 2 texts per day and 7 texts per week.

Need help breaking the cycle of debt?

Do debt collectors keep calling? Do you keep taking out new loans? Or do you have multiple loan payments to make each month? If any of these are true, you know it’s time to find a way out of debt. That’s where Combine My Balances comes in. 

Combine My Balances does not provide loans, but is a free service connecting consumers with solutions for existing debt problems. When you speak with a specialist they will explain all options available and the necessary steps required to settle or pay off your loans. They will customize a plan that will allow you to pay off your debt in 2-12 months.
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